beans, peaches, friends & cowboys

Good morning,

We're harvesting tons of green beans from our garden lately {anyone care for some?} and have been eating them nightly. We also tried an experiment that turned out quite tasty. We boiled our kohlrabi with potatoes, mashed them with a little butter {of course} and ample sea salt and cracked pepper. We also cut our first two yellow squash into slabs, marinated, and grilled them. Yum. This morning I felt like a scrambled egg & toast. I have yet to bite into that peach, but am so looking forward to it.

Tonight our friend Justin Marable has a show opening at the Mulvane Art Museum. Way to go Justin! Woohoo! So anyone in the Topeka area, head on out, he'll give a few remarks at 5:30.

I'll be making jotters today {here's a peek at the cowboys} and decided I will have them in the shop this Monday morning, 7/6.

Have a stellar 4th weekend!