Autumn Color Week | outside & in

We have had truly beautiful glowing sunsets lately, the kind where you find yourself standing with your mouth gaping a bit.  Last night we walked out at the levee again and I actually tried jogging.  M. says you just have to get past "that point" {that point of pain I guess} but I say I'll just power walk, thankyouverymuch.  But anyway, the setting sun was a blazing red-orange and sparkling through the distant trees.  So beautiful.

Also I am glad our zinnias and cosmos are hanging on hopefully until frost.  Tonight, it is actually supposed to dip into the 30's; I can't believe it.  This morning during my walk to work I almost felt like I needed hand warmers because my fingers were cold! 

Jan is hosting an Autumn Color Week this week and I think it will be fun to join in. I like to have a simple task each day, something to look for. {Today is yellow, Tuesday is Green, Wednesday is Orange, Thursday is Brown, and Friday is Red.} 

I like noticing yellow in spring as one of the first flower colors and in late summer/early autumn the flowers return to this golden hue. And I can't help but think of Robert Frost.