

Over the weekend I made a loaf of herbed cheese bread. I have never made a savory loaf like this but it was such a hit we've already finished it off! I think you could probably take a favorite dough recipe, divide the dough into sections {I made ten} and layer fresh chopped herbs and grated cheese between them, stacking them upward as you go. We ate the last two pieces last night with fried garden squash and okra, and slices of yellow tomatoes.

Did you notice I have changed my blog layout? I actually got slightly obsessed with it, researching and trying several different layouts, tweaking the css {by trial and lots of error}, but have landed with this one for now. There were others I liked too but just didn't feel they looked like me. The problem however with changing a layout is I lost all my widgets. So I will be rebuilding the blog list slowly.

Check out this installation, Rainbow Conversation by Rachel Hayes. Wish I could see it in person.

I have more printing to do today, how 'bout you?