
Mid-October alley walk

A mid-October alley walk in the early evening, when the light goes from gold to blue. I noticed a pinky-peach tone in the eastern sky the other night. The tone that makes me think of the winter skies here, the insides of seashells, and the frosted rim on our wedding china. Soon, when the time changes, the evening walks will be bluer, darker, or they will have to happen by four in the afternoon. Maybe today I'll try a mid-afternoon stroll with my camera.

Taking photographs for struct/restruct

I've always admired husband and wife creative teams. Two people putting their talents and abilities together to make something great happen is inspiring to me. Though I'm not technically a team member, I am happy that I have a minor role in helping my husband with his design/build company, struct/restruct. Nope, I'm not up on a roof with a nail gun or standing at a table saw or anything like that. (Heights give me butterflies and loud noises grate on my nerves.) I've been doing work behind the scenes, photographing their projects and redoing their website. The process of visiting the spaces, taking photographs, editing images, and working on the website is something I really enjoy. And I'm learning a lot too. There's still a bit more to do on the website, it's one of those things that is a work in progress and is continually growing.

Here's a preview of a few of the guys' recent projects...

The garden in black and white

...and one color. Isn't the red on the amaranth intense? It's as red as a poinsettia.

At this point in the season, the garden is pretty much fending for itself. Though it's overgrown in areas, it is reseeding and doing it's thing. Coreopsis and cosmos are blooming again and the Jerusalem artichoke flowers resemble sunflowers. Seeing flowers this late is refreshing. And lettuces, garlic, endive, dill, and sugar snaps have also popped up. The garden keeps on giving.

Early October alley walk

Photos from a walk around the neighborhood on this late Sunday afternoon. The color is beginning. Have I said before that Autumn is my favorite? I think I have.

For dinner tonight I think we'll have shiitake and wild rice risotto (leftovers), roasted butternut squash, homemade rolls (from a batch I froze), and purple pole beans that we just discovered are giving a bumper crop. (Sometimes I don't like to cook too much on Sundays.) And we'll probably watch the last episode of Longmire on Netflix; we've been really into that series. After we finish that, I'm not sure what we'll watch next. Any recommendations?