My work at Strecker-Nelson Gallery

My work is part of a new watercolor exhibition at Strecker-Nelson Gallery in Manhattan, Kansas, on view through April 26. Below are a few photos I took at the opening reception, you can click to view in light box. It was a nice evening, Jay and Barbara really know how to organize a great party. As always, it was a packed house! My pieces incorporate graphite drawing, handmade watercolor, and some have pinholes. I really like this grouping and like the way they framed them. Please email or call the gallery at (785) 537-2099 for pricing and info.

Today's sketchbook

A lot of odds and ends needed to be tied up today, taxes, paperwork, bio writing, decision making, emails, all with a bit of studio cleaning thrown in. If I didn't have my sketchbook, I'd feel much less human. This is my page from today.


I haven't mentioned it here yet, but I made a zine! Making work that is small and personable has always been interesting to me. So putting together this zine from my watercolor and sketchbook drawings was a lot of fun. It's available in my shop, which you can access by simply clicking the image below. Or, if you are local, you can pick one up at Wonder Fair. Also, over the weekend I conversed with the USPS, changed some of my packaging supplies, and found a way to make International shipping costs more affordable on most items. Yay! 

Available work

I want to let you know I am in the process of moving my shop over here to my website. Now, my original works on paper and paintings can be seen on the Available work page. I am doing this to consolidate my sites and to keep art buying a personal experience. I like to know where my work is going, and how collectors connect with the work. So, when you find a piece you're interested in, simply email me with your thoughts, questions, or if would like to purchase the piece. Then we will communicate and work out terms of payment. 

Thanks for visiting and have a nice weekend!