new treasures

In addition to relaxing on the beach with my husband last week, I was also spent time with my family, certainly times I treasure. It is nice simply to hang out with them and do every day kinds of stuff together that we don't often get to do because of the many miles between us. I think it's those simple things I enjoy most.

We also shared little family anecdotes and looked at old photos. The items gathered on the table are a few little 'treasures' that belonged to my grandmother that I told Mom "Oh, may I have that?" and she would say "Sure, what are you going to do with it?", "Uh, I don't know, it's inspiration." There are some gems here that deserve their own photos {note to self}, like the handwriting on the envelopes and some beautiful copper script stencils {not pictured}. I share these with you as they are more things feeding my new shell watercolor series.

And now, an announcement. Next week I will be making available this shell series, along with framed paintings and pinhole pieces. Yet not in my etsy shop but a new studio gallery, as I am calling it. My goal for the opening is Monday at noon central. The decision to open a different venue warrants it's own discussion, at another time. But I do want to say a huge thank you to the friends who have been a tremendous help to me, like Rachel, Emily, Alicia & Christy. Thanks so much you guys!

Ok, now you must go over to Rachel's shop, which she updated yesterday. I told her, it is my favorite of her recent updates. For instance, check out this beauty! Did I hear you just faint to the ground? Yes I believe I did. It's that good.

Have a great Friday and I hope you'll check back Monday when I reveal my new online gallery. I'm really excited! :)