making stars on a sunday afternoon

Hello all,

I hope you're enjoying the remaining hours of your weekend. I don't know if I will get used to the sun going down at 4 o'clock. At least at the winter solstice the days will start getting longer again.

Today I've made a few more stars; I really like making multiples of things, for some reason. {Maybe I take after my dad in that respect. He was a ceramist for many years and made lots of everything; mugs, dinnerware, candle holders, lamps, casseroles etc. Maybe he'll send me a photo of his work for me to share with you sometime.}

I know Susan and Teeni had interesting weekends in Rochester with the bomb scare incident. Go read their posts. And while you're visiting Susan, notice the window dressing she did this weekend at artstream. I especially like this image she took of her display.

It's time to start thinking about cooking dinner. I'd like to make granola tonight too, we'll see if that happens. Sadly, we've about finished all the cookies mom sent us. Did you cook or bake anything this weekend?

Until tomorrow,